Program Activities
Preschoolers will engage in a defined daily schedule, each child will have message board time where they talk about the day, meal times, naptime, small group time, large group time and outside time.
The center will provide daily activities, toys, and materials appropriate for each child’s age level to entertain the child as well as facilitate the child’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development.

A child should not bring toys from home. Toy weapons, such as guns or knives, are absolutely prohibited.
The center will post a weekly lesson plan, which will detail the lessons for the upcoming week.
The center may occasionally take the children on field trips. A child will not be allowed to participate in a field trip unless the parent has signed a permission form. Parents will be given advance written notice of the dates and locations of all field trips.
Additional fees may be charged to the parent in order to reimburse the center for admission prices, and/or meal costs in connection with the field trip. If a parent chooses not to have his/her child participate in the field trip, the parent may be required to arrange for alternate child care. The child care fees will be reduced for the time period of the field trip for nonparticipating children whose parents have been required to arrange for alternate child care.
At various times, the center may structure excursions, such as walks, bike rides, or car trips with the children. The parent must sign a general release authorizing the center to engage in such activities with the child.

- 35737 Van Born Road Romulus, Michigan 48174
- +1 855 244 0003